Savaria Studios Webinar - Marketing your Band
You can be a good band, paying PR, touring but nobody will get the point if you don't have the BRAND. http://www.savariastudios.com ...
Motivation and self discipline to succeed
One thing I've noticed about the music industry in the perpetual struggle that Tamas and I deal with is the lack of hard workers. This is...

Savaria Studios Webinar - Does your band need a record label?
In this episode we're talking about the pros and cons of Record Labels. #getsigned #recorddeals #recordlabels #musicindustry #band #brand

Savaria Studios Webinar - A, B, C and D Show Market
A lot of bands want to tour, here's what you need to know before hitting the road. #tour #marketing #independent #showmarkets...

Savaria Studios Webinar - Touring
In this episode studio Marketing Director, Matt Bacon, will be talking about when your band should be going on tour. We will be releasing...